讲座题目:Politicizing the Theory: French literary theory in the 1960s
主讲嘉宾:弗拉迪米尔·比蒂(Vladimir Biti)
弗拉迪米尔·比蒂教授是欧洲人文与自然科学院院士、欧洲科学院文学与戏剧研究分部主席、维也纳大学文学与文化研究院世界文学与比较文学教授;出版9部著作,发表百余篇学术论文,最新著作:Claiming the Dispossession: The Politics of Hi/storytelling in Post-imperial Europe, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2017。曾担任国际符号学研究协会常务理事(1996-2004),国际比较文学协会文学理论委员会主席(2001-2005),国际比较文学协会常务理事(2004-2010);现担任国际权威期刊《阿卡狄亚:文学文化国际杂志》(arcadia: International Journal of Literary Culture)主编以及《文学与创伤研究杂志》(Journal of Literary Culture and Trauma Studies)等国际期刊编委会委员,曾获克罗地亚科学院大奖(1998)、克罗地亚中心文化协会科学奖(2000)等。
In the revolutionary French atmosphere of the 1960s, inspired by the processes of decolonization, students’, workers’, and women’s liberation as well as the consciousness-raising of the Holocaust, literary theory undergoes a radical transformation. In a very short time, it changes its established subject, focuses, and methodology by gradually becoming an all-embracing cross-disciplinary discourse, a theory with a big T. Its aim is to emancipate literature from all inherited historical, genre, and disciplinary boundaries, such as those between the past and present, oral and written, high and low, or literary and non-literary forms. Already the concept of writing (écriture) that was first introduced into the vocabulary of French literary theory in the famous essay Writing Degree Zero (1953) by its leading figure Roland Barthes, displayed such ambition but even more so the concept of narrative (récit) that was first introduced by Maurice Blanchot already in 1949. However, the meaning of both concepts turns out to have been equivocal from the very beginning. Due to that, through their theoretical reconfiguration they gradually replace their initially emancipatory with an imperial ambition, thus involuntarily paving the way for their dethronement by the new and allegedly more democratic concepts.